Charles Cody is the Plant Growth Facilities Manager for the WSU School of Biological Sciences. He was hired by the Department of Botany to manage their research and instructional greenhouses and plant growth chambers in 1983 and has been at WSU ever since. Cody’s responsibilities include managing 8,000 square feet of greenhouse space in three locations, 14 different environments, 27 separate plant growth chambers, and about 700 species of plants. He also manages a 95 acre site in Olympia endowed to WSU called Meyer’s Point. This challenging job requires Cody to work 24/7, 365 days a year.
As a friend and mentor, Cody supervises students who work in the greenhouse. A rewarding component of his job, he takes on the role of an educator to help facilitate the undergraduates in their learning experience.
Cody has been provided with many opportunities since coming to WSU and gaining his job. He’s been approached by law enforcement agencies to conduct forensic botany around the state, and has received plants from missionaries and other groups from various places around the world with colorful stories to go along with them.
Cody received his Bachelors of Science degree from Texas A&M University in Ornamental Horticulture. Continuing his education, Cody earned his Master’s of Science degree from Washington State University.
To Contact Charles Cody:
(509) 335-4064
[email protected]
Abel 718 (WSU Pullman Campus)
Nice to see Charles Cody's profile,one of the gardening expert.SO now we can have our gardening doubts to ask him.
Posted by: Ornamental Trees | July 05, 2011 at 02:32 AM