By: Emily Easley
"TOMS Shoe" photo provided by
What we wear says a lot about us. Shoes, accessories, bags and clothes are now available in eco-friendly or recycled forms. It's now very popular and very chic to show off recycled garb.
Shoes. As a world of many styles, being able to find an environmentally friendly, and fashionable shoe is a serious challenge. Luckily, designers are out to save the world one foot at a time. Eco-friendly shoe designs have been popping up left and right.
TOMS Shoes, an eco-friendly shoe company, was formed around the idea of one for one. For every pair of TOMS shoes purchased, TOMS will donate a pair to a child in need. Since 2006 TOMS has given over 10,000 pairs to children in Argentina and 50,000 pairs in South Africa.