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May 19, 2009


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Solar Energy

Discussions on energy conservation is very common now a days. Well, that gives us more information about solar energy and it is useful for homeowners.

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Even though, the real cost of solar panels is anticipated to show a tendency towards decline in the future, the new technologies scientists currently work on (from chemical approach to biotechnology) are not going to be feasible and efficient in reducing the cost of solar power for residential homes. At least, it hasn’t loomed large on the horizon yet.

So, building your own home made solar energy system is now a very reasonable option to reduce installation costs. Building home made pv panels that make use of deep cell storage batteries, one will produce the electricity upon his demand and reduce his individual dependence on the country’s energy grid.

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Interesting post. Not everybody know that solar energy is easy to use and cheap.


Home energy generation is going to come in real handy not only economically, but rooftops are the best place for solar panels. Not to mention the massive solar flare due in 2012 (sorry, watching discovery channel last night).

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Looks like a very nice and interesting idea, but the problem is, how much it will cost the homeowner for the service of the interior designer who will give input........

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Home solar power systems are increasing in fame around the globe . Good product in the market, It is really going to work out in savings money and energy. In most homes, the panels are placed on the roof and connected to the heating system. Energy from solar cells is usually used to heat water and produce electricity.

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Wow! Sounds like some idea! I can't wait for a technology like this to reach India where, energy consumption is high and power supply is low leading to frequent power failures. We'd be out of that rut if we owned our own plant!

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solar energy is a renewable, affordable and most ec-friendly source of energy. i am glad your post helps bring it in the spotlight!

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is very interesting as the solar energy can help us too much for the work of daily life and health! thanks to Mother Nature can do many things!

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Outstanding article. There’s a lot of great info here


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