The 39th annual Earth Day is April 22, 2009. This year's events come at a time when there is a global concern about water supplies and water quality.
Water pollution was a problem decades before the modern environmental movement began. Stagnant, filthy water was the norm in and around dozens of cities in the midwest and east.
In 1948, the Water Pollution Control Act, authorized the Surgeon General of the then Public Health Service, along with other Federal, state and local entities, to prepare plans and programs for reducing the pollution of interstate waters and tributaries and improving the sanitary condition of surface and underground waters (major amendments were enacted in 1961, 1966, 1970, 1972, 1977, and 1987).
1962 was the year when Silent Spring hit bookstands and created a sensation. Rachel Carson was a marine biologist who researched 12 dangerous poisons used by the chemical industry, including DDT.